Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Luminosity Playlist is now avaliable

I've been asked, what kind of music do I like to listen to? Well, that depends on what's going on. Perhaps as you can tell from my playlist, my taste is varied. When I'm writing, I need music. It inspires, helps me think, and puts me in another world where anything is possible. Like stories, I believe music is the air our creative souls breathe.

I don't know how many times a song would come on the radio, or in a store, that snapped at my attention. I'd stop, thinking, "Yes, that's exactly what my story is trying to say." My son turned me onto SoundHound and other music identifying apps. How did I ever manage before such wonderful tools were made available? I don't know.

So if you ever see me with my phone held up high, tapping to a song playing on the loud speakers, I've probably just caught a story song. It's an amazing experience and hard to explain. But there it is. And here is Book Two's playlist.

Look for Luminosity's release in the coming weeks! It's close, folks!

1. City on the Hill -Casting Crowns
2. The Call - Regina Spektor
3. Yael Naim - New Soul
4. This is Home - Switchfoot
5. ColdPlay - Fix You
6. Joe Cocker - have a little faith in me
7. Alanis Morissette - "Guardian"
8. Coldplay - Paradise
9. Mumford & Sons - Roll Away Your Stone
10. Sheryl Crow - Everyday is a Winding Road
11. Imagine Dragons - It's Time
12. Kari Jobe - You Are For Me
13. Fearlessly  - Luminate
14. Good To Be Alive - Jason Gray


Marji Laine said...

Your timing is perfect. My dinky twinkie just asked if I'd spoken to "Ms. Castle" lately. She's playing the music right now.

Luminosity can't come quickly enough for them, or me! Yea!

Jackie Castle said...

Ha! I'm listening to it, too, while doing some work. Yes, very soon it'll be out. Once I get my last edits back, I'll be fixing my mistakes and rolling her out into the wide world!