Thursday, January 23, 2014

Scriptures for the Journey: Day Three

Scripture for the Journey

Day Three

John 10:10
I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.
The Message: A more and better life than they ever dreamed of.

Imagine, God really wants us to have a better, more abundant life. that's why he sent Jesus to earth, to walk and talk with us. To show us how to live that better life.

Jesus' teachings are wise council, not hard-to-follow rules. He healed sickness and said we could do the same. Though he had nothing, he had everything. If only we'd read Jesus' teaching and apply his wisdom.

Our lives can be so much better. Even more so than we can possibly imagine.

Here's something you can do for the fun of it. If you had no limitations, what would you want to be doing in the next year? Five years? Ten years? Dream big. Don't hesitate or hold back.
Write it all down.
Now, here comes the challenge. Take this list before God. Ask him which of your dreams line up with his plan for your life? Don't fret. Give this a few days. Listen. Keep your eyes open for confirmation. Ask your friends and spiritual leaders to discuss your list with you.
I bet, in a short while, a firm goal will begin to form, a destination, blended together from your heart and God's heart. And this is exactly what you want. To line up your dreams with God's desires. Be patient and allow the process to happen. He has good plans for you. Seek him and find out what they are.

Please feel free to share this devotional, I only ask that you link back to here where you originally found it. Thank you. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Scriptures for the Journey: Day Two

Continuing the devotional series: 


Scripture for the Journey

Day Two

Psalm 40:1-2
I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire;
He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.

How many times have I stepped off your firm path, chasing rabbits down obscure trails, or meandering after tasty fruits? Unfortunately, the rabbits end up disappearing down dark holes. The fruit only momentarily satisfies.

Next thing I know, I've falling into a pit of despair and self-pity, caught in the muck of a pointless life. All the paths I follow wander in pointless circles. Each day passes as the last, with nothing accomplished. I look back over my wandering life with dissatisfaction.

However, in these dark moments, I can call out to you. You will pull me free. You will wash away the muck I've made of my life and set me back on the right paths. The rocky path of salvation.

One way to avoid pitfalls and detours is to establish life goals. Both long term and short term goals. Though we need to trust God to direct our steps, we need to have a basic road map of where we want to go.
This is something that should be done over a period of a few days. Be prayerful about this, seeking God for direction and wisdom. Make a list of your heart's desires. Don't listen to any negative or rational thinking. For the moment, simply write down what you wish to do. Then the list you create can be whittled down into manageable steps.
Some things you desire to do might seem too big. These can be long term goals that you can try for later. Think about what steps you'd need to take to achieve that goal, and write them down as well. This will be the direction you take to reach that big goal. Along the way, you'll want to manage smaller, more easily attainable goals. The key is to keep it simple, keep your eyes on God, and keep focused on your destination.

Please feel free to share, I only ask that you leave a link back to here where you originally found this post. Thank you. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Scriptures for the Journey: Day One

Welcome friends,
I'm going to be starting something new here. I've put together a 31 day devotional booklet to go along with Book 1 of the White Road Chronicles - Illuminated. I never wanted to charge for the devotions, and I don't have time to go to the trouble of figuring out how to upload a pdf file and then promoting it, so I've decided to simply put the entries here on the White Road Chronicles blog. I do hope you enjoy them. I'll put up two a week. Write your thoughts in your journal. These are for your use, please don't copy or post them in other places unless you give a link back to here. Thanks so much. Blessings! 



Scriptures for the Journey

Day One

1 Corinthians 12:19
If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

An enormous eye or a gigantic hand wouldn't be a body, but a monster!
What scriptures indicates, is that we are part of one body with many parts. Each part is the proper size, and in its proper place. I need to remember that no matter where I go, or what journey I travel, I'm not on my own. Everything does not depend on my success or failure.
Truth is, I'm only part of the kingdom’s greater plan. Life.... The World.... It's not all about me.
I am surrounded by a variety of colorful, diverse and varied friends: helpers and teachers, builders and designers, leaders and guides. Together we each do our part--the part You've assigned for us--for the greater good.
What I must remember is to both be willing to draw on the talents and gifts of those who make up the body I belong to, but also to be willing to share my own gifts and talents. I sometimes struggle in the area of believing I do have something to offer others. However, in the kingdom, even the least has the possibility for greatness. Nothing is ever wasted. Every part of the body is essential. I do have a part to play.

Let's ask ourselves: What qualities do I naturally possess in me that I can share with the Kingdom for the greater good of all the body? (Take time to think about what natural and learned talents you possess. Be honest with yourself and do not discount those small, seemingly insignificant things you can do. If you can make people laugh, that's a talent. Make a list and don’t worry about how small or big that list is.)
What resources are you able to draw on in the body you belong to? Who has been placed in your life that can offer support, encouragement or wisdom as you travel along on your journey? (List those people who have influenced your life in positive ways.)